A Fun Place For Jewish Motorcycle Enthusiasts
Welcome to Heebs on Hogs®
Are you interested in the history of Jews with motorcycles? What about our non-Jewish motorcyclist friends and their connection to Israel and the Jewish People? Do you also want to keep yourself updated about current events related to Israel? If yes, then you’ve checked into the right place!
Heebs on Hogs® is a unique, one-of-a-kind e-publication about all types of people, Jew and non-Jew, who are connected to motorcycles and the Jewish People, and to our Jewish experiences on a historical and current events level. We are proud of our Jewish heritage and believe in the uniqueness of our G-d given Jewish Bible (the Torah). We are happy to use this forum to share our various experiences related to motorcycles and the Jewish People, to both Jews and non-Jews, and ask that everyone respect our beliefs and not missionize on this site.
Furthermore, while we are not a political organization nor an advocate for any political party in the United States nor world-wide, we believe in the G-d Given principles of freedom, equal rights and free non violent expression for all people, regardless of where you live in the world or how you practice your faith. As Jews who live in America (the home of this e-publication), we are proud to live in a Country where we can practice our faith freely and respect the differences as to how everyone of good faith believes. As to our American heritage, we say "G-d Bless America!" And to those brave men and women who serve in the military or police forces, for those first responders and to all of the helping professionals, for those who serve and have served and have protected all of us from harm, we say "G-d Bless you for your service to our country and communities!"
We are interested in hearing about your stories and experiences.

What Do We Do?
From featured stories about the Jewish Civil Police at the Bergen Belsen DP Camp in 1945 to the current Jewish related motorcycle events taking place in your neighborhood; we are looking to cover interesting Jewish stories relating to motorcycles regardless of where you reside geographically. We invite you to share your experiences and adventures through words or pictures, and we’d love to share it here for the world to see.
Heebs on Hogs® was started in 2016 with the sole aim of offering insights to Jews associated with motorcycles, whether it's related to the military or police, first responders or just civilians or rabbis riding a motorcycle for fun. We will attempt to bring forth interesting stories about our Jewish culture, our history and our daily interactions, and let you know about upcoming events through our publication with real people like yourself. Heebs on Hogs® is truly a one of a kind site. So, lets connect!
The Motorcycle Cop of Bergen Belsen - A Jewish Civil Policeman In The Liberated Displaced Persons (DP) Camp Of Bergen Belsen, 1945 - 1950
When the British liberated the Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp in 1945, there were many survivors who had no place to go. The British created a Displaced Persons (DP) Camp down the road including a Jewish Civil Police Department complete with two motorcycles.
List Your Local Motorcycle Related Events Here In Our Heebs On Hogs® Publication
Send us your group name and contact information and we will publish it so people in your area can contact you!
Do You Have A Family History With Photograph(s) and/or A Motorcycle Related Story That You’d Like To Share?
Whether related to the Military, Police, Fire Department, First Responders or anything related in between, we’d love to share your story! Send us your pictures and stories related to Jews and motorcycles from anywhere in the world. We’d love to hear from you.
Send Us Some Of Your Favorite Pictures!
Here's the information on how you can participate and show off some of your favorite motorcycle pictures! We love to see you, your groups and if you've got some old pictures, bring it on for our Gallery Section!
Letters To The Editor
Send us your compliments, complaints (please be respectful), suggestions and feedback. We look forward to hearing from you!
Get A Sneak Peek! Sign Up For Our Newsletter!
- Be up to date and know when our next Heebs on Hogs® Issue is available online.
- Our Newsletter will inform you about our upcoming stories before they’re published.
- Newsletters are only e-mailed on an occasional basis and we do not send Spam mail! We do not give out nor sell your information.
There are two Sign-Up options:
1. Newsletter Only. Your email address is confidential.
2. Allow us to send you occasional third party relevant products and services that we feel would be relevant and of interest.